Since 1925, East Texas A&M University has been accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award baccalaureate, master’s and doctoral degrees. SACSCOC is the regional accrediting organization for 11 states in the southeastern United States, including Texas. East Texas A&M's accreditation was reaffirmed in 2014 and is scheduled for reaffirmation in 2024.
The findings of this visiting committee represent a preliminary assessment of the institution at this time; final action on the report rests with the SACSCOC Board of Trustees. A copy of the entire report may be obtained from the institution.
East Texas A&M University: SACSCOC Report from On-Site Committee (Spring 2024)
East Texas A&M University: SACSCOC On-Site Committee Report Transmittal Letter (Spring 2024)
The reaffirmation process includes the following steps:
- In September 2023, East Texas A&M will submit its Certification of Compliance documentation to an off-site review committee that will determine the extent of its compliance with the Principles of Accreditation.
- In early spring 2024, East Texas A&M will submit its quality enhancement plan (QEP).
- An on-site SACSCOC visiting committee will meet with campus representatives to review the university's QEP, assess compliance with core standards, and address any standards deemed out of compliance following the off-site review.
- The accreditation process culminates in a public statement declaring the institution's continuing capacity to provide effective programs and services based on agreed-upon requirements. The statement of an institution's accreditation status with SACSCOC also represents an affirmation of an institution's continuing commitment to the Commission's principles and philosophy of accreditation.
- Once the process is complete and East Texas A&M is determined to be in compliance with all standards, the university is expected to be reaffirmed in December 2024.
Definition of Reaffirmation
Reaffirmation is defined by SACSCOC as “a process that involves a collective analysis and judgment by the institution's internal constituencies, an informed review by peers external to the institution, and a reasoned decision by the elected members of the SACSCOC Board of Trustees…” The definition also states that “…reaffirmation of accreditation is the process for ensuring that member institutions maintain continuing compliance with SACSCOC policies and with the Principles of Accreditation.”
Why Continued Accreditation is Important
An institution must reaffirm its accreditation five years after it gains initial accreditation and every ten years thereafter. Accreditation is vital to East Texas A&M because it:
- Gives the university degree-granting authority at the baccalaureate, master’s and doctoral levels.
- Allows access to federal financial aid, grants and other federal support.
- Affirms the ability for students to transfer credit hours to other institutions of higher education if the credits are appropriate to the designated curriculum and meet the receiving institution's requirements.
- Assures recognition of earned bachelor's degree when a student applies to graduate schools.
- Provides the credentials required for students to sit for some professional licensure exams.
- Demonstrates the university's strength in institutional effectiveness and its commitment to continuous quality improvement.
The loss of SACSCOC accreditation can result in the loss of an institution's prestige and reputation, the loss of federal funds and grants, a decrease in student applicants and enrollment, and a negative impact on graduates and future scholars.
Q: What is the on-site team and why are they here?
A: The On-Site Reaffirmation Committee, casually referred to as the “on-site team,” is a committee of ten experts from peer institutions in the SACSCOC region. Their goal is to ensure East Texas A&M is in compliance with SACSCOC accreditation standards, particularly those in areas required by the US Department of Education (DOE), and evaluate the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), Foundation for Your Future.
Q: Is the On-Site Reaffirmation Committee actually qualified to evaluate our university?
A: Absolutely. Each member of the Committee is an expert in their field and works at a school similar to East Texas A&M in size and scope.
Q: When is this visit taking place?
A: The on-site visit will take place from Monday, March 25 to Thursday, March 28.
Q: What kind of questions will I be asked?
A: This depends on your role. Students will be asked questions about their educational and extracurricular experiences at East Texas A&M and the QEP. Faculty, staff, and administrators will be asked questions specific to their areas of involvement and the Principles of Accreditation, the QEP and elements of institutional operations and procedures. The Committee can also develop questions based on what you discuss during the meetings.
Q: Is there any way to know the questions in advance?
A: No. Faculty, staff, and administrators can prepare by reviewing materials submitted as part of the Compliance Certification and Focused Report. Students can prepare by reflecting on their experiences as an East Texas A&M student. Everyone can prepare by reviewing key information related to the QEP. Remember, anything you say during the meeting could result in follow-up questions from the Committee.
Q: What will the meetings be like?
A: A member of IER staff will start the meeting, introduce the participants and ensure all technology is functioning correctly, with the assistance of a CITE member if needed. The remainder of the session will consist of a conversation between the Committee members and our university’s representatives (you and your institutional peers).
Q: What should I do if I do not know the answer to a question?
A: That’s okay! If you do not know the answer to a question, write the question down and tell the Committee you do not know the answer. Please do not guess or make something up! Then, pass the question on to Dr. Ricky Dobbs or a member of the IER staff and they will assist.
Q: What should I do if I have technical problems?
A: Don’t panic! If you have technical problems, get in touch with a member of IER or CITE staff immediately. Their contact information will be on a printed page in the interview room.
Q: What should I do if there’s an emergency?
A: If you have an emergency and will be late or miss a meeting, contact a member of the IER staff as soon as possible.
Q: What is the most important thing to know?
A: The ultimate goal of the reaffirmation process is to ensure the university is fulfilling its mission to educate students. It is a positive experience that will help the university remain a leader in higher education. Our peer reviewers are coming to East Texas A&M to help find us in compliance and success, not to see us fail.
- ETAMU – SACSCOC On-Site Visit Handbook
- University Session – Preparing for On-Site SACSCOC Visit
- University Session – Preparing for On-Site SACSCOC Visit: Initial Interview Sessions
- University Session – Preparing for On-Site SACSCOC Visit – Handout
- University Session – Preparing for On-Site SACSCOC Visit Zoom Session Videos
The Philosophy of Accreditation
As described in the Principles of Accreditation, the concept of quality enhancement lies at the heart of SACSCOC's philosophy of accreditation. The concept assumes that each member institution is engaged in the ongoing improvement of its programs and services and can demonstrate how well it fulfills its stated mission.
Documenting and Reporting for Accreditation
Member institutions must document the quality and effectiveness of all their programs and services. This is a complex task that requires careful analysis and professional judgment. It is accomplished through accreditation reporting and other submissions. SACSCOC accreditation signifies that the institution (1) has a mission appropriate to higher education; (2) has resources, programs, and services sufficient to accomplish and sustain that mission; and (3) maintains clearly specified educational objectives that are consistent with its mission, appropriate to the degrees it offers, and indicate whether the institution is successful in achieving its stated objectives.
East Texas A&M University Class of 2024 Reaffirmation Timeline
- Fall 2021
- Put together sub-committees and report members to Leadership Team
- December 2021
- Attend SACSCOC Annual Meeting
- Identify Committee members by Principle/Section
- Spring 2022
- Subcommittees begin narrative composition for Compliance Certification
- Have evidence or supporting documents identified and compiled
- Summer 2022
- Complete first working draft of Compliance Certification for internal reviewer(s)
- Respond to internal reviewer recommendation
- Fall 2022
- Meet with subcommittees to review need for additional documentation/narrative
- Revise working drafts, add additional evidence and supporting items
- December 2022
- Attend SACSCOC Annual Meeting
- Spring 2023
- Final Draft of narrative and supporting documents loaded in Xitracs
- Submit Compliance Certification to external reviewer(s)
- Respond to external reviewer recommendation(s), incorporate revisions
- Dr. Dobbs attend Observer Visit, University of West Alabama (March 13-16, 2023)
- Summer 2023
- Compile final version of Compliance Certification, Faculty Roster, Evidence in Xitracs
- Final review and last minute updates
- September 8, 2023
- Submit Compliance Certification to SACSCOC
- October 1, 2023
- Nomination of QEP Lead Evaluator due
- November 2023
- Off-Site Peer Review
- Receive Preliminary Report of Reaffirmation Committee from off-site peer review committee
- Advisory Visit with Dr. Denise Young, SACSCOC VP (November 27-28, 2023)
- December-February 2023
- Update the Institutional Summary form
- Complete Focused Report for submission
- Complete QEP Report for submission
- March 2024
- On-Site Peer Review will visit campus and off-campus instructional sites (March 25-28, 2024)
- April-May 2024
- Receive the Report of the Reaffirmation Committee
- August 2024
- Response Report to On-Site Reaffirmation Committee Due
- December 2024
- Reaffirmation Decision by SACSCOC Board of Trustees made
- Sections One-Four: Integrity, Mission, Eligibility Standard, Governing Board
- Tina Livingston
- Dr. Mario Hayek
- Dr. Anil Kumar
- Dr. Juan Araujo
- Araceli Hill
- Section Five: Administration and Organization
- Dr. Mark Rudin
- Dr. David Scott
- Dr. Yvonne Villanueva-Russell
- Cece Gassner
- Section Six: Faculty
- Dr. Brent Donham
- Dr. Doug LaVergne
- Dr. Anil Kumar
- Dr. William Kuracina
- Dr. Yvonne Villanueva-Russell
- Dr. Juan Araujo
- Section Seven: Institutional Planning and Effectiveness
- Dr. Eric Branscome
- Dr. Anil Kumar
- Araceli Hill
- Dr. Derald Harp
- Dr. Dan Su
- Alison Soeder
- Section Eight: Student Achievement
- Dr. Kathy Dixon
- Dr. Anil Kumar
- Dr. Mario Hayek
- Rebecca Pressley
- Nechell Bonds
- Section Nine: Educational Program Structure and Content
- Dr. Jennifer Schroeder
- Dr. Kathy Dixon
- Dr. Doug LaVergne
- Tina Livingston
- Dr. William Kuracina
- Dr. Derald Harp
- Dr. Yvonne Villanueva-Russell
- Section Ten: Educational Policies, Procedures, and Practices
- Dr. Kathy Dixon
- Dr. Jennifer Schroeder
- Dr. Anil Kumar
- Dr. Yvonne Villanueva-Russell
- Dr. David Scott
- Section Eleven: Library and Learning/Information Resources
- Lanee Dunlap
- Sandy Hayes
- Dr. Anil Kumar
- Section Twelve: Academic and Student Support Services
- Dr. Kimberly McLeod
- Dr. DeMarquis Hayes
- Dr. Doug LaVergne
- Marcy Louis
- Araceli Hill
- Section Thirteen: Financial and Physical Resources
- Tina Livingston
- Cece Gassner
- Dr. Mario Hayek
- Rebecca Pressley
- Section Fourteen: Transparency and Institutional Representation
- Cece Gassner
- Dr. Jennifer Schroeder
- Dr. Doug LaVergne
- Dr. Laura Isbell
- Nechell Bonds
- Alison Soeder
Standard 7.2 of the Principles of Accreditation calls for the university to prepare a quality enhancement plan. The QEP focuses on improving some aspect of the institution's educational component to enhance the quality of student learning. The implementation of this plan represents a strategic and financial commitment on the part of the university. For that reason, East Texas A&M will solicit feedback and discussion from numerous groups and individuals before choosing its topic for improvement.